"Kyorokyoro" means looking around.

"Kyotokyoto" is an onomatopoeia derived from "Kyoton", which means that he cannot understand the situation and is embarrassed.
"Kyorokyoro" simply looks around, but "Kyotokyoto" has the meaning of "embarrassed".

(『MISTER ジパング』椎名高志)
"Ji" and "Ji-" are an onomatopoeia that expresses staring.
The original meaning is "do not move" and does not mean "gaze".
Therefore, verbs are added in colloquial words, such as "Ji tto mitsumeru".
"Ji tto shite iro" is not "look at it" but "do not move".

"Jito" is a relatively new onomatopoeia that shows a sticky gaze.
Derived from "Jitojito" and "Jittori" which indicate that it is unpleasantly moist.

"Giro" means to stare.

(『MISTER ジパング』椎名高志)
"Giro" also means "glare", but not as sharp as "Giro".
It is sometimes used simply to mean "to look."

"Chilla" means to look sideways.
However, "chira" also has the meaning of "slightly visible", so "chira mi" may mean "looking a little" instead of "looking sideways".
Also, “chira mise” means “showing a little bit”.

"Bachi" and "Bachibachi" are an onomatopoeia that represents a spark.
Just as sparks occur when swords collide with each other, sparks also occur in the case of emotional collision in Japanese.
Derived from it, sparks also occur when the lines of sight collide.

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