"Utsuura Utsura" is about to fall asleep.

"Utouto" is a light sleep.

"Kokkuri kokkuri" is an onomatopoeia that shows a state of falling asleep and moving the head back and forth.
Because the movement is similar to moving an oar, it is also called "Fune wo kogu."
「舟を漕ぐ」は「rowing a boat」です。
"Fune wo kogu" is "rowing a boat".

"Su-" is a healthy sleep without snoring.

"Supi-" and "Supipi" are the sounds of the stuffy nose.

"Gu-" and "Kuka-" are snoring.

This "guo-" is also snoring.

"Munyamnya" is a talking in sleep.

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