"Dokidoki" indicates that the heart beats faster.
Used for both excitement and fear, this example is excitement.
-->Scared, surprise
"Zokuzoku" originally means chills.
However, the colloquial word "zokuzoku suru" may mean "excite."
This is because the body shakes with excitement.
Since there is also a trembling of the body due to fear, "zokuzoku" may be an onomatopoeia that means fear.
-->Scared, surprise
"Kiran" and "Giran" are originally onomatopoeias that mean brilliance.
日本語の「目を輝かせる(Shine eyes)」には「張り切る」などの意味があるため、ここでは昂奮を表すオノマトペとして「キラン」や「ギラン」が使われています。
In Japanese, "Me wo kagayakaseru (Shine eyes)" has a meaning such as "Be motivated", so "Kiran" and "Giran" are used here as onomatopoeia to express excitement.
"Ie-" is "Yeah" in English.
Since the sound of English words is expressed in Japanese, there are various notations.